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University Library_ Talented Caucasian Girl Sitting at the Desk, Uses Laptop, Writes Notes


Victor International University  has one (1) library containing resource materials for student use. A student may search and find textbooks, periodicals, news and current events, encyclopedias and dictionaries.


Library hours are available during the week in between class schedules. Times are posted on the outside of the library. The library is located on the first floor.

Students also have the opportunity to use internet to assess Theology and Music websites. A list of libraries in the immediate area is posted on the library wall.

Library Services


Persons associated with Victor International University (students, faculty and staff) (registered member) have borrowing privileges. Any student may receive a library card free of charge. Others must pay a yearly membership fee of $20.00 in order to borrow materials. Books may be checked out for up to three weeks.

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Friday 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Saturday closed.

Sunday closed


The library holds 15,000 bound volumes. Current journal and newspaper subscriptions now number over 100 titles.

Internet Service

Internet Service is available at the library. Please call the library for an appointment for usage or reservation.


Photocopies and copies made on the microform reader-printer and EC-ROM printer are five cents per page.

Lending Policies

  1. All borrowers are required to fill out a library user application form.

  2. All borrowers must show a library card or student ID (for students) to check out books.

  3. Books are loaned for a three week (church member) or six week (students) period. Patrons are limited to having four books checked-out (six books for students) at one time.

  4. The overdue fine for circulating books is 10 cents a day.

  5. Renewals can be made twice unless another patron requests them.

  6. Reference books and periodicals cannot be checked out.

  7. The reserve shelf is located behind the circulation desk. Reserve materials are loaned for a two hour period and must be used in the library. Reserve items may be checked-out overnight, but they cannot leave the library until a half-hour before closing and must be returned within a half hour after the library opens the following day.

  8. Those borrowers who lose or severely damage a library book will be charged the full replacement value ($ 15.00 minimum).


Library Rules

  1. Unnecessary or excessive noise or any disruptive behavior will not be permitted.

  2. Consumption of food or beverages is not allowed in the library.

  3. Do not reshelf library materials. Return books to a book cart.

  4. Periodicals must be returned to their original places.

  5. All library users must have their bags or books checked at the circulation desk.

  6. Due to duties involved in closing the library, the books should be checked out or renewed ten minutes before closing.

  7. Persons not complying with these policies may be asked to leave the library.


Main Campus Address

708 W Holt Ave, Pomona, CA 91768 / E-mail :

Tel: 1-909-671-4086

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