Main Campus Address
708 W Holt Ave, Pomona, CA 91768
www.victoriun.org / E-mail : viuni1998@gmail.com
Tel: 1-909-671-4086

Faculty and Curriculum
The faculty of Victor International University are selected not only for their education, credentials, work experience, but also for their dedication, enthusiasm and ability to motivate students to their highest level of academic achievement. Students are urged to meet with their instructor for assistance when needed. Curricula for all programs have been designed not only to provide career skills, but to also qualify students for immediate employment opportunities in a relatively short period of time.
Length of Programs/ Course
Each curriculum’s description indicates a standard program and/ or course length. Hours are devoted to lecture and research dependent upon the educational requirements of the program, and theses hours are converted to semester units. Bachelors, Master and Doctor Degree Programs
To earn a Bachelor’s Degree a candidate must earn 126 units. Master’s Degree at Victor International University, a candidate, must earn depending on the education program 42-96 units. To earn a Doctor Degree a candidate must earn 42units to graduate.
Class Scheduling
Victor International University publishes the class schedule prior to the beginning of each term of study. The class schedule lists every section of each class to be offered for the impending term, including the class name and number, days, time, instructor, meeting dates, and units.
Policy and Program Modification
Victor International University reserves the right to modify the course content, structure, and schedule without additional charges to the student and within the regulatory guidelines. We reserve the right to amend the catalog and program(s).
Attendance is essential to the overall effectiveness of the training a student receives at Victor International University . This process is as important as learning, since future employers emphasize punctuality and attendance as top job requirements. A student is required to attend all scheduled classes regularly and punctually.
Attendance Probation
Victor International University recognizes that there are times when a student is unable to attend class, arrives late or leaves early. The attendance policy allows for these circumstances, while ensuring that each student attends class a sufficient amount of time to master their subject material. A student will be placed on attendance probation if he or she is below 85% attendance in any given subject/class. Frequent tardiness and/ or unexcused absences will result in placing the student on probationary status.
Attendance Requirements
Students are required to call the Register as soon as partial on the first day of absence and give an estimate of the duration of the absence.
Re-entry Policy
Students who have been terminated for violating the attendance policy may be re-entered through the appeal process.
Leave of Absence
Students may be granted one leave of absence (LOA) per 12-month period for certain specific and acceptable reasons. Student may also request an administrative leave when a course that is needed is not available. A LOA shall be reasonable in duration, not to exceed 120 calendar days. All LOA’s must be in documented in official writing and addressed to the Department Director, and/or the President to be approved. The request must be accompanied by written documentation from the appropriate person and/ or agency. The President will approve or deny the request in writing. If a student fails to return on the scheduled return date, then he or she will be terminated from the training program as a result. One subsequent leave of absence may be granted if the leave of absence does not exceed thirty (30) days and the school determines that it is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. Subsequent leaves of absence may be granted for jury duty, military reasons, or circumstances covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (1993). The school must document the reason for each subsequent leave of absence.
Effects of Leave of Absence on Satisfactory Academic Progress Students who are contemplating a leave of absence should be cautioned that one or more of the following factors might affect their eligibility to graduate within the maximum program competition time:
Students returning from leave of absence are not guaranteed that the course required to maintain the normal progression in their training program will be available at the time of re-entry.
Students may have to wait for the appropriate course to be offered.
Students may be required to repeat the entire course from which they elected to withdraw prior to receiving a final grade.
Grading Policies
Evaluation of student achievement will be based on meeting the objectives for each class. At the beginning of each class, the instructor will provide the student with a syllabus identifying the objectives and grade determination criteria. Students must achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 70%. A student who fails a class is permitted to continue in his or her studies as long as satisfactory progress is maintained. In a course in which a failing grade has been received, a student who has feasible reasons may ask the professor to grant permission to take a re-examination, or complete a reassignment of sufficient quality to raise the grade to a passing score. Such work must be completed twenty one (21) days after notification of the failing grade, or in the case of spring semester courses, between the opening of the semester and September 25 of the following academic year. If the grade is raised to a passing grade, the student receives credit for the course, but no grade points are counted into the calculation of the student’s GPA. If the student repeats a course after having received an F grade initially, the previous F grade remains factors into the GPA, as does the new grade.
Grade Point
The following systems of grade points are used to evaluate a student’s level of achievement. A student’s general standing is the result of the total number of grade points earned, divided by the total number of semester hours taken.

An incomplete grade may be given for incomplete class assignments and/ or examinations only with permission from the instructor. Then I grade will be Converted to an F if the incomplete is not made up within one week after the following class begins.
Incomplete Grades
Any course that has an assignment due and has not been turned in by the time of final examination or failure to take the final examination will be assigned the grade of “F”. A student who obtains an approval from the faculty in charge to turn in the required work within a stipulated later time or take a late final examination may receive the grade of “I”. The “I” grade is awarded for compelling reasons such as medical or deemed appropriate by the faculty in charge of the course. All course requirements that are due must be completed no later than the end of the next semester. Otherwise, the “I” grade will be changed to an “F” grade automatically.
Passing Grade
A student who receives a “D” grade in a course must repeat the course. The course in which the “D” grade was earned cannot be counted towards the degree major.
Repeating Courses to Raise Grade Point Average
A student who receives a grade of “C” or lower may repeat courses to raise the grade point average. Whenever a course is repeated in an attempt to raise the grade point average, only the highest grade earned will be recorded as the official grade and the lower grades will be removed from the student’s record. A course may be repeated one time.
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